English Learners
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School Resources
EL Presentation to Staff
This is the presentation that should be shared with factulty/staff that work with ELs.
Present by August 30, 2019
PD on Identification Assessment and LSPs
This is the PowerPoint presentation on the "What" and "How" of ELs, in reference to compliance.
EL Compliance Year-At-A-Glance
This document provides dates and actions required with noted compliance indicators for the 2019-2020 school year.
Identifying English Learners - Infograph
This infograph provides information on how to identify English Learners and Immigrants.
Home Language Survey - English
This document is the Jackson Public Schools Home Language Survey in English.
Home Language Survey - Spanish
This document is the Jackson Public Schools Home Language Survey, in Spanish.
EL Folder Organization
EL Folder Organization - GREEN for students Served, RED for students whose parents refused services
Last Modified on August 15, 2023