  • Army ROTC

         - provide full financial assistance for college tuition and mandatory education fees (or room and board)

         - apply for a Four-Year ARMY ROTC Scholarship online between approximately 12 June and 4 February

         - minimum eligibility is

    GPA 2.5 High School GPA
    Age 17-26
    SAT  Test Score Required (no minimum)
    ACT  Test Score Required (no minimum)
    Civil Conviction Explain any infractions and be granted a waiver

       - link below


    GRFD - Minuteman

       - provides full tuition and fees or room and board ($12,000 per year) for up to four years at a public or private school to develop well-trained officers into the Reserve Components and improve the total Army force

         - commissioning into the Army Reserve

         - link below

    6th Brigade Information/ Timeline

        - Concept brief 

         -  JSU 2025

    Guides on How to Apply

    •  (.pdf)
    •  (.pptx – PowerPoint)
Last Modified on Monday at 3:13 PM