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Input any other fees charged including but not limited to sales tax, motor vehicle tax, and etc. to be charged due to form of payment6 = Total Days in Trip X Car Daily Rental Price 4 = Total Amount of Additional Taxes and Fees$Average Rental Car Gas Mileage (MPG)%Dollars Saved - No Pool Car Available"Dollars Saved - Pool Car Availabled Input price for rental vehicle using the vehicle rental rates (See Vehicle Rental Rates Tab)F _ Input average MPG for rental car type using the Average MPG chart (See Average MPG Tab)J , = Total Miles to be Traveled X .535& ' + = Total Miles to be Traveled X .17& ' a = Rental Cost + Taxes and Fees + Refueling + Distance from Home to Rental Car Location  ) + 6 8 G = (Total Miles in Trip / Average MPG) X Cost of Gas per Gallon ! / 1 d Rental Car CostU Vehicle Rental Daily Price Contract # 8200015385Contract # 8200015383Contract # 8200015368=Landrum Enterprises: U - Save Car and Truck Rental (Meridian)Contract # 8200015382 Contract# 8200015361Contract # 8200015367:David Dearman Auto Rentals: U - Save Car and Truck Rental Corporate ID: 1757/1785Corporate ID: XZ55012Corporate ID: 68344 or 0068344VOne Source Enterprises: U - Save Car and Truck Rental (Starkville, Tupelo, Louisville)Corporate ID: 1413Corporate ID: MSU1Corporate ID: XZ55012 z Input only the distance to the rental car location (this mileage will be doubled in the total calculation formula)"Total Miles to Rental Car location Travel Dates:oTraveler Name: Agency #: 2 Input miles that exceed 100 miles per day | Input current pump price (Utilize the higher cost between city from which the travel will begin and the destination)"* If the rental is not directly billed to the agency or charged on a Travel Card, sales and motor vehicle tax can be reimbursed. ȦԴվ the rental car company to obtain the added miscellaneous fees that will be added to the total, including tax from the city of which you will be renting.E = Total Rental Cost - Total Reimbursement Expense @ .535/mi D = Total Rental Cost - Total Reimbursement Expense @ .17/mi 4Personal Owned Vehicle Car Cost (Pool Car Available)3Personal Owned Vehicle Cost (No Pool Car Available)Vehicle Rental Weekly Price  Input price for rental vehicle only if renting a car on a weekly basis using the vehicle rental rates (See Vehicle Rental Rates Tab)'O n Weekly Rental Cost = Weekly Rental CostZF GGI"ILM OQ' R !V3ccB g2 #fKop  dMbP?_*+%&?'?(?)?M\\DFA-PRINT\PTFM 5 Canon 5255 A ߁ odXLetterCanonX` 1Canon iR-ADV C7260/7270 UFR II ddd      d d d d dd    dd@@d  d  d dd d""eddd      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCd"    @  !"#$%&'()*+,-d.d/d0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO"PQd     d !"#$%&d!dddd!      d  dddH8 o 22= o 22= Xdd Arial\CNZSRGBC.ICC\CNZSRGBC.ICC\CNZSRGBC.ICC CONFIDENTIALCONFIDENTIALHArialDefault SettingsX d     #$%&"BX 333333?333333?&430U} =} mw} X} I} I } I#  @ @  w@  w  h h          h hhhhhhhhhhhhw ; TTTTTTTTT  F }E  b! cZ dG e[ f gD\ fC e3] f, eN] fO g ] f& e ] fH g~ 1@ h @ g#~ J@ h @ i) ^ j- kx l" BBmynB M  o!~ DD  p. mzp L  o!~ DD  p/mzpA 2 A q$! 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The application is responsible for updating this value after each revision. metaAttributes"/>Oh+'0 PX| Enterprise Trip OptimizerRobert MullanKeeler, GeorgetteMicrosoft Excel@?QSummaryInformation( $$DocumentSummaryInformation8)XCompObj;k@N{h@H)՜.+,D՜.+,D PXh px COCC Trip Optimizer SystemVehicle Rental Rates Average MPG#'Trip Optimizer System'!Print_Area  Worksheets Named Ranges2BZfr      TravelSection ContentTypeTravelCategory7display_urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office#Editor xd_Signature TemplateUrl7display_urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office#Author xd_ProgID PublishingStartDate PublishingExpirationDate _SourceUrl _SharedFileIndexWeightGround Transportation DocumentFormsAnna Francis Robin Beard FMicrosoft Excel 2003 WorksheetBiff8Excel.Sheet.89q