• UNIT 1


    UNIT 2

    UNIT 3

    UNIT 4



    Each event is different. Therefore, the uniform that is to be worn may vary. Failure in wearing correct uniform may result in  not being able to participate in certain events. Please remember everything is announced on time, so every cadet has time to prepare.

    ?Every cadet is issued a(n) uniform that they must keep up with. Failure in doing so means having to purchase any lost items. ALL ITEMS MUST BE DRY CLEANED: the only exceptions are the Blue Shirt. Uniforms are to be returned when a Cadet has Graduated or has completed the amount of classes he/she needs. If a uniform is not returned it must be purchased. Returned items that are damaged or cannot be re-used will be replaced by purchasing what has been damaged. Charges not paid by the end of the school year will be turned into school administration.

    Class B (A) uniforms must be worn every Tuesday or Wednesday properly and will be inspected for a grade. Uniform inspections can impact a student's grade if he/she does not wear the uniform on the specified day.