Military School Star Program Overview:

    The Military Star School program will be established at Lanier Junior Senior High School during the 2025-2026 school year as part of a districtwide initiative. The program's goal is to create a supportive environment for military dependents transitioning into the Jackson Public School District. The Military Star School program is designed to help schools address the educational and social-emotional challenges military-connected children face during their transition to a new school while keeping them on track to be college-, workforce-, and life-ready."

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  •  VISION:


    The vision is to ensure a smooth transition into a new school environment while fostering educational excellence.

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    The Military Star School program is designed to support military-connected children while recognizing the value of military service and civic responsibility. It aims to address their educational and social-emotional needs, ensuring they stay on track for college, the workforce, and life.

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  •  Military Branches:

    US Armed Services:

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